Dr. Dwi Laraswati – a researcher from Sebijak Institute, Faculty of Forestry UGM has been granted full sponsorship from the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) to attend the 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024. This prestigious event encompasses the Pre-Congress Training Workshop (PCTW) and the main conference. The training took place on June 19-22, 2024 at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, and focused on “Science-Society Interactions: Making Science Work for Policy and Practice”. The workshop aimed to bridge the gap between scientific research, society, and stakeholders to ensure impactful outcomes. Key activities included researcher presentations, case study-based group discussions, knowledge-sharing sessions, and a closing ceremony.
At the IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm, held from June 23-29, 2024, Dr. Laraswati presented two significant research projects. Her first presentation, titled “A Monitoring Framework for Planned (Legal) and Unplanned (Illegal) Deforestation to Support Climate Change Mitigation Strategies in Indonesia”. This research introduced a comprehensive monitoring framework for planned (legal) and unplanned (illegal) deforestation in Indonesia, developed based on prevailing forest and land regulations
The second presentation discussed the concept of Representation-Influence Framework (RIF), a collaborative effort with the Chair of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy at Goettingen University, Germany, and the Forest and Society Research Groups at Hasanuddin University, Indonesia. The RIF concept is a new analytical framework designed to evaluate the role of non-governmental organizations in Indonesia’s forestry and environmental policy processes, focusing on the representation of interests and their influence on government policy decisions.
Dr. Dwi Laraswati’s involvement in this congress is anticipated to significantly contribute to climate change mitigation efforts (SDG 13) and enhance collaboration towards achieving global goals (SDG 17).