Sebijak Institute proudly presents:
“Contribution of forestry sector in achieving emission reduction targets”
on 19 November 2020
10.00 – 12.00 WIB
With speakers :
Dr. Ir. Ruandha Agung Sugadirman, M.Sc. (Director General for Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, RI)
Dr. Budhi Satyawan Wardhana (Deputy Coordinator for Planning and Cooperation, Peatland Restoration Agency, RI)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Maryudi (Chairman of Sebijak Institute, Faculty of Forestry UGM)
What will you get :
•Webinar/online class (in Bahasa Indonesia)
•Free entrance
If you’re interested, kindly register here: https://bit.ly/Sebijaklecture1
(Limited for 500 participants)
Join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID : 815 5911 9953
Passcode : sebijakLS1
If you have any question, just contact us:
Mursyid (081229957554)
Fitria (082136471778)
See you in zoom class!